ICT4AWE 2021 Abstracts

Area 1 - Aging Well – Social and Human Sciences Perspective

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 21

Designing Digital Games with & for Home-dwelling Older Adults' Social Interaction under Sheltering Measures


Way Kiat Bong and Igal Bronshtein

Abstract: Social relationships and participation have been considered essential elements in contributing to a higher quality of life for older adults. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many home-dwelling older adults have been reported as having less social interaction. Older adults are one of the groups most vulnerable to COVID-19, and they have been heavily impacted by the sheltering measures. Previous studies have shown the potential of digital games in enhancing the social interaction of older adults. However, the research within this field is still at an early stage. Furthermore, games that were designed before the pandemic might no longer be suitable for them due to sheltering measures. Therefore, taking into consideration sheltering measures, in this study we attempt to enhance the social interaction of home-dwelling older adults by designing gaming technologies with and for them. A user-centered design approach was adopted where 10 older adults were involved remotely throughout the study, from gathering user requirements to evaluating prototypes in iterations. The outcomes included an application with three favorite games and a proposed list of design guidelines. The older adults were positive in using the application. Further study is required to evaluate the impacts on social interaction among older adults.

Paper Nr: 34

Human-centred Design of Self-management Health Systems with and for Older Adults: Challenges and Practical Guidelines


Ine D’Haeseleer, Karsten Gielis and Vero Vanden Abeele

Abstract: Human-centred design approaches that involve older adults are becoming more and more commonplace in the development of digital systems to support self-management of health and well-being, ultimately contributing to ageing in place. In order to understand and design effective solutions, it is important to involve older adults from the beginning and throughout the iterative development process. However, conducting studies with this target population presents challenges and therefore requires specific adaptations. In this study, we reflect on the different human-centred methods, e.g., focus group discussions, interviews, and user-tests, that were conducted with older adults. In total, 81 participants (aged 65 to 97) were involved in a four-year human-centred design process. On the basis of a thematic analysis, we reflect on the different methodological intricacies encountered and identify four themes: `a life course marked by grand experiences', `a discomfort with unknown digital technologies', `impact of age-related impairments', and `relatedness as core to research participation'. Finally, insights and practical guidelines are formulated to help future researchers undertake more effective and useful human-centred study designs with older adults.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 24

Co-creating Digital Services to Promote Active Lifestyle among Older Adults: The Turntable Project


Benedek Szakonyi, István Vassányi, Angelika Mantur-Vierendeel, Daniela Loi, Guilherme Correia and Bojan Blažica

Abstract: In this paper findings from co-creation sessions for the Turntable Solution addressing challenges around vitality, activity, and social interactions amongst older adults (over 60 years of age) are reported. Having digital skills is more common, even amongst older adults, and some digital services can be utilized to support healthy ageing. During the co-creation sessions, held in Portugal, Italy, Belgium and Slovenia with five participants each, features of a gardening mobile solution were discussed. In the form of hands-on trials using mock-ups and prototypes, users’ lifestyle and general acceptance of mobile technology was surveyed, along with their experience with using the existing and planned features. Results showed that, if accessibility for the target age group (i.e. good user experience) is provided, even less technologically proficient users would try the Turntable App for gardening hints, nutritional guidance, and social interactions.


Full Papers
Paper Nr: 14

User Acceptance of Lifelogging Technologies: The Power of Experience and Technological Self-Efficacy


Wiktoria Wilkowska, Julia Offermann-van Heek and Martina Ziefle

Abstract: Today, innovations in the field of lifelogging technology and its assistance in everyday life enable different users to gain an overview of different areas of their lives. Especially for older and frail people, lifelogging offers useful solutions that allow them to stay longer in their private environment and maintain their autonomy. Although lifelogging is already used in many contexts, opinions of users on the different lifelogging applications and the influence of user characteristics on their acceptance still remain underexplored. In this study, we investigate the acceptance of lifelogging technology for activities of daily living and examine the impact of user characteristics on its key determinants according to the Technology Acceptance Model, which is used as a theoretical background. For data collection we used a quantitative online survey and took opinions of N=209 German adults into consideration in the statistical analyses. Our findings demonstrate that an already existing experience with lifelogging is the main influencing factor for user acceptance: High levels of the experience and technological self-efficacy in handling of the technology significantly enhance the acceptance of lifelogging for activities of daily living, while age and gender shape the acceptance indirectly. This study contributes to the user acceptance research of lifelogging in private environments, and our findings deepen the understanding of how adoption of lifelogging technologies is shaped by different users.

Paper Nr: 16

Acceptance of Telemedical Consultations in Nursing Homes: First Insights & Outlook


Julia Offermann-van Heek, Anne Kathrin Schaar, Jörg Christian Brokmann and Martina Ziefle

Abstract: Rising numbers of older people and people in need of care pose tremendous challenges for care institutions. Due to a lack of medical personnel, residents of nursing homes (geriatric patients) are frequently hospitalized although it is not medically necessary and causes a deterioration of health in many cases. Telemedical consultations in nursing homes represent one approach to relief and support care personnel in emergency and medically uncertain situations aiming at a reduction of unnecessary hospitalizations of geriatric patients. For a successful implementation of these consultations and related innovative processes, the patients’ and as well as other stakeholders’ (caregivers, doctors, relatives) perspectives and acceptance are important. Thus, a systematic investigation and adjustment of the requirements is of immense importance. This paper introduces the Optimal@NRW approach for a cross-sectoral care structure that aims at an avoidance of unnecessary hospital admissions by implementing telemedical infrastructure in nursing homes. A first scenario-based acceptance evaluation of telemedical consultations provides insights into the people’s attitudes and allows to outline an acceptance research agenda as well as next steps within the project.

Paper Nr: 19

ADE2: Towards a Method for Implementing Serious Games for Older People's Memory Training


Priscila Cedillo, Jefferson Arias, Emily Arteaga, Cristina Sánchez-Zhunio and Daniela Prado-Cabrera

Abstract: Over the years, cognitive deterioration appears, which is even more evident as age increases; therefore, it requires attention and treatment. Among the older adults' primary needs are learning and entertainment. These needs promote older people, caregivers, and health personnel to seek technological solutions that help during their free time while training the executive functions in the home or gerontological centers. Hence, serious games can teach without neglecting entertainment and fun. Thus, it is necessary to develop techniques, methods, tools, or standards for creating serious games by following a process that considers all the needs and specific characteristics of older adults. Hence, this paper presents a method named ADE2 that aims to facilitate the development of serious games for older adults aligned to usability standards, human-computer interaction (HCI) techniques, and healthcare and software engineering experts' considerations. Evaluating the feasibility of the method has been presented the construction of a serious game and a case study that evaluates the game's use perception. The evaluation was developed from the point of view of the psychological area and the end-user (older adult).

Paper Nr: 22

Hybrid Approach to Promote Social Interaction with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder


Vinícius Silva, Filomena Soares, João Sena Esteves, Ana P. Pereira, Celina P. Leão and Sandra Queirós

Abstract: The comprehension of the emotional state of others is paramount for a successful human interaction. Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have impairments in social communication and, consequently, they have difficulties to interpret others’ state of mind. In order to tackle this issue, researchers have been proposing the use of technological solutions to assist children with ASD, particularly in imitation and emotion recognition tasks. Social robots and Objects with Playware Technology (OPT) have been employed as intervention tools with children with ASD. This work presents an approach combining both technologies (robots and OPT), in a hybrid way, with the goal of promoting social interaction with children with ASD. Moreover, a new OPT device was developed to be used as an add-on to the human-robot interaction with children with ASD in two emotion recognition tasks – recognize and storytelling. A pilot study was conducted with children with ASD to evaluate the proposed method. All children successfully participated in the activities. Moreover, children significantly gazed longer towards the OPT during the storytelling scenario as the OPT device displayed visual cues, supporting that using a visual cue may be fundamental in helping children with ASD understand requests and tasks.

Paper Nr: 35

A Pervasive Game for Elderly People with Augmented Reality: Description and First Validation


Álvaro Pérez, Jesús Gallardo, Raquel Lacuesta and Silvia Hernández

Abstract: The rise of videogames in our culture has caused that they are no longer seen as simple games for kids and have spread to all the segments of population. The use of videogames by elderly people can help to improve their quality of life, exercising their mental functions. Inside the field of videogames, the concept of pervasive game appeared with intensity some years ago. This kind of games exceed any of the classic dimensions of games: temporal, spatial or social. In order to achieve this evolution, pervasive games use to take advantage of non-traditional interaction technologies and novel paradigms, such as augmented reality. In this paper we introduce a novel pervasive game oriented towards elderly people that makes use of augmented reality. The game has been developed following a user-centered approach with participative design. In the game, players have to find certain elements in their environment (e.g., in a nursing home) so that they unlock memories that they store in an album and can value. Here, we describe the game in detail and show a first validation that we have carried out in order to test its usefulness. In that validation, users find the game useful and easy to play with.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 1

Exploring Different User Interfaces for Velocity based Training using Smart Gym Machines: Pilot Study


Günter Alce, Jakob Håkansson and Andreas Espinoza

Abstract: With the emerging technology called the Internet of Things (IoT), we can now connect computing devices and sensors to the Internet. The IoT sensors serve to collect data, pushing it and sharing it with a whole network of connected devices. We decided to explore how to utilize IoT data to increase the user experience from a commercial gym application called Advagym. Advagym is a commercial solution already available in the market, which aims to digitize the gym experience, where a retrofit solution is used to fit IoT devices on gym machines to track performance data from users’ workouts. The main goal of this paper is to utilize IoT data from Advagym’s IoT sensors for velocity-based training (VBT) and conduct a comparative study of three different user interfaces presenting VBT data to increase the user experience. The main contribution of this paper is an analysis of user preferences regarding the user interface of VBT feedback during a gym workout.

Paper Nr: 2

From Age to Age: Key Gerontographics Contributions to Technology Adoption by Older Adults


Cosmina Paul and Luiza Spiru

Abstract: Research conducted on the topic of new technologies and gerontechnology acceptance and adoption by older adults is in its early development and poses challenges regarding the wholistic understanding of older adults’ technology adoption’s drivers and barriers. This study aims at contributing to the understanding of technologies’ relevance and usage by older adults with a high accuracy ascertainment and increased simplification and effectiveness, starting from the gerontographics segmentation. For doing so, the study interviewed 125 older adults from three countries: Romania, Slovenia and Cyprus. Our research categorized these older adults in to four gerontographics groups according to their reported psychological and physical well-being. We found significant differences in the actual usage: perceived usefulness, the ascribed meaning of technology and their acceptance and/or rejection of the new technologies by the four gerontechnologies. These findings emphasized that the relation of older adults with technology and the barriers which arose are differently experienced by segments with dissimilar physical and psychological well-being. Nevertheless, they constitute powerful evidence of the value of the gerontographics in conceptualizing, developing and marketing new technologies and gerontechnologies.

Paper Nr: 4

Multimodal Cueing in Gamified Physiotherapy: A Preliminary Study


Negar Haghbin and Marta Kersten-Oertel

Abstract: Advances in mobile devices have made possible the adherence to healthy lifestyles and workout routines with less supervision from a professional, for example, a strength trainer or physiotherapist. Mobile health games in particular can help individuals with chronic conditions and disabilities who require physiotherapy and rehabilitation to stay motivated and encouraged during their physiotherapy process. We developed a mobile game application, Neblina Wrist Physio that works with a wearable motion sensor to look at the effect of multimodal cueing, i.e. using stimuli to facilitate movement initiation and continuation, mechanisms on wrist physiotherapy exercises. The results of our study showed that cueing in a gamified physiotherapy environment is an effective means of keeping users entertained and engaged. At the same time, the impact of cueing modalities in improving the quality of gamified physiotherapy exercises appears to be affected by the difficulty of the exercise and the specific game.

Paper Nr: 10

Technological Model for the Protection of Genetic Information using Blockchain Technology in the Private Health Sector


Julio César Arroyo-Mariños, Karla Mariella Mejia-Valle and Willy Ugarte

Abstract: Currently, genetic information is considered a valuable element in the Health Sector, since due to more accurate diagnostic samples in medical genomics this allows to offer better treatments to patients against various types of diseases. This paper presents the development of a technological model using Blockchain as technology to ensure the protection of genetic information in the Private Health Sector because activities related to the storage or management of data of this information present many points of vulnerability. In addition, activities such as registration and control of access in the exchange of genetic information have been administered in an unauthorized manner, mainly through entities that manage the eligibility of users with genomic information and allow access to specific data sets, which shows a lack of harmonization in access policies between the owners of their genetic information and the health entities that manage it. A proof-of-concept has been performed to validate the capabilities of the model and ensure that a larger-scale deployment can be performed. The evaluation showed that experts agree with the proposal and that users would be willing to use proof of concept to ensure traceability and security of their information

Paper Nr: 18

Microlearning Method for Building Learning Capsules for Older Adults


Priscila Cedillo, Daniel Gómez, Daniela Prado-Cabrera, Alexandra Bermeo and Lourdes Illescas

Abstract: Education is a universal process that acts on human beings throughout their existence, including their aging stage. In this sense, older adults can learn, communicate, and exchange information through technological applications. However, learning platforms often do not address the specific requirements and special needs of older people. Therefore, it is necessary to have methods and tools that allow the creation of software artifacts, so this sector of the population can acquire new knowledge according to its learning needs. Given these considerations, this document proposes a method for creating learning capsules in the field of microlearning, taking into account accessibility criteria and andragogic techniques that support the learning process of the older adult; it also considers a diffusion plan for apprentices to know and access structured micro-contents. Besides, to show this proposal's use, the step-by-step of creating a learning capsule to be used by older adults is presented.

Paper Nr: 23

Implementation of IoT, Wearable Devices, Google Assistant and Google Cloud Platform for Elderly Home Care System


Jung-Tang Huang, Li-Ying Chang and Hsin-Chang Lin

Abstract: The purpose of this research is dedicated to designing the care system. By using Google assistant speaker, various sensors, web page, and cloud data processing to design an Internet of Things environment combining health information and various parameters to improve the quality of the care system. We use wearable devices to transmit physiological information, then collect data through Bluetooth sensors and upload them to the database via edge devices. At the same time, it monitors unusual values at any time. Then, it notifies users through google assistant to trigger Google Home System. We carry out cloud data analysis and optimize dialogue patterns by obtaining physiological information, escorting services, recording conversations, and other forms of active questioning. Through using conversation feedbacks as data, we can also generate simple data analysis, fill out various questionnaires by using the web pages. With this complete care system, the cloud data is integrated and networked to provide a better care system for the elderly.

Paper Nr: 27

Ethical Concerns of the General Public regarding the Use of Robots for Older Adults


Esther Ruf, Stephanie Lehmann and Sabina Misoch

Abstract: Due to demographic change the proportion of older adults in the population is increasing, which means that the proportion of people with limitations making it difficult to live independently at home or in institutions is also increasing. As a nursing shortage is evident today and expected to increase in the coming years, several strategies are needed to address these challenges. One possibility is the use of robots to support older adults and their caregivers. Taking ethical considerations into account is an essential task. Agreement with ethical concerns identified in the literature was surveyed in a Swiss sample. The participants expressed their agreement with seven predetermined items but to varying degrees. Possible reduced human contact or problems with sensitive data received the most agreement. Nearly half of the respondents expressed no concerns about job loss or violation of privacy. Additional concerns that the older adults would be deceived, their self-determination compromised, or their dignity violated received less agreement. Further ethical considerations for future studies are discussed.

Paper Nr: 28

Systematic Literature Review of Internet of Things Solutions Oriented to People with Physical and Intellectual Disabilities


Max Ulloa, Daniela Prado-Cabrera and Priscila Cedillo

Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a revolutionary technology. It allows hundreds of devices to connect and collect information, send and receive data over the internet, and other activities. The IoT has been applied in various fields; one of them is to support people with disabilities. The interconnection of devices has allowed people to develop activities autonomously, improving their quality of life. Although it is an emerging technology and there are several secondary studies about the collection of evidence on IoT devices, very few are applied to people with disabilities. Based on the systematic review results, taxonomies related to the addressed topic determine research gaps for scientific progress and non-duplication of existing solutions. Thus, this article present the planning stage of a future study presenting IoT solutions applied to people with disabilities, aiming to answer the following research question: What Internet of Things solutions exist for people with disabilities? The results are presented, and the discussion describes the principal features of the IoT solutions oriented to people with physical and intellectual disabilities.

Paper Nr: 29

GNSS based Adaptive Monitoring for the Assistance of Persons with Orientation Difficulties


Martin Litzenberger, Klaus Dittrich, Birgit Unger-Hrdlicka, Hendrik P. Buimer, Ivan Rigamonti, Wil Wintjens, Matthieu Arendse, Patrizia Murko, Matthias W.G. Zeller and Stephanie Auer

Abstract: Severe problems with out-of-home mobility are common under persons with cognitive impairment. Technical solutions such as geo-fencing systems, based on GNSS position monitoring, exist to mitigate wandering and getting lost of such patients. However, manually defined, fixed geo-zones effectively limit the freedom of the person and can lead to false alarms even during normal walking behaviour. This paper presents work in progress on a GNSS based position monitoring system that computes adaptive personalized safe zones from the user walking routine. The system implements semi-rigid zone borders allowing the user to explore new areas and automatically extend their personalized safe zones over time. Making use of routing services the system can generate temporary corridors for appointments outside of the users typical walking routine. While the technical implementation of the system is completed, it will be future work to evaluate the system's effect on users in a field trial and a clinical study.

Paper Nr: 33

UIAAC: A Method for Designing of Graphical User Interface for Augmentative and Alternative Communication


William Sanchez and Daniela Prado

Abstract: The world's population is aging, which is reflected in the increased proportion of older adults, both in developed and developing countries. In 2019, 1 in 11 people exceeded 65 years old; and it is projected that by 2050, this proportion will be 1 in 6 people. Among the most common problems older adults face are those linked to physical, auditory, and visual impairment and, affect, the way they communicate and interact with others. While the usual way of communication is through speech, 1.3% do not depend on verbal language, and as a result, their communication needs are not met. Therefore, it is necessary to search for other modes of communication (apart from speech), which are used to express thoughts, needs, desires, and ideas. An option is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), which presents methods and technology to help people develop or regain communication ability. Thus, this document presents a method called UIAAC, which aims to facilitate the design of graphical user interfaces for AAC systems oriented to older adults and incorporate pictograms as a means of communication. The presented method is aligned with usability standards and considerations of experts in AAC, gerontology, software quality engineers, and user-centered design. To assess the feasibility of the method, the design of a prototype interface and a case study that assesses the perception of the prototype's use is presented. The evaluation was developed from the point of view of the psychological area and the end-user (older adult).

Paper Nr: 3

Satisfaction, Self-management and Usability: Assessment of Two Novel IT Solutions for Type 2 Diabetes Patients’ Empowerment


Vincenzo De Luca, Lutgarda Bozzetto, Clemente Giglio, Giovanni Tramontano, Carlos Juan Chiatti, Fotis Gonidis, Strahil Birov, Ozan Beyhan, Simon Robinson, Gorka Sanchez-Nanclares, Maria del Pilar López-Acuña, Adriano Fernandes, Maria Triassi, Giovanni Annuzzi, Guido Iaccarino and Maddalena Illario

Abstract: The growing digitalization of health and care calls for the development of ICT tools and mHealth solutions to monitor and control the patient’s health parameters and lifestyles. ProEmpower is a Pre Commercial Procurement project aimed at procuring research and development services to develop innovative solutions for patient empowerment and self-management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The project consortium launched a call for tenders, articulated in 3 phases to select solutions. During Phase III, two solutions have been selected to be tested by end-users: DM4All and DiaWatch. A pilot study has been carried out to evaluate direct and indirect outcomes linked to the use of the novel solutions. Among these, we assessed the post-intervention satisfaction, self-management and usability of the two novel solutions, using a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. Users expressed a favourable opinion on both solutions, evaluating the experience during the pilot phase as positive. DM4All results are better, however, the questionnaire completion rate was higher in DiaWatch. Users appreciated DM4All for its usefulness in managing their conditions.

Paper Nr: 6

Design Approach of Medical Devices for Regulation Compatibility: A Robotic Rehabilitation Case Study


Raffaele Formicola, Federica Ragni, Maurizio Mor, Luciano Bissolotti and Cinzia Amici

Abstract: Regulations and normative framework strongly affect requirements and potential design constraints of devices, especially in critical environments like the medical field, characterized by a complex interaction among design, therapy procedures and user needs. In order to optimize the design process, the awareness of the designer about the compound information net generated by the required documentation becomes therefore fundamental. Depicting a custom mapping of required data and referring documents for the development and commercialization of a medical device as required by the Conformité Européenne (CE) marking process, this paper presents a design approach directly suitable for robotic rehabilitation systems, which aims at easing the regulations compatibility of the designed product. This method is applied to the illustrative case study of the LEPRE (LEg Programmable REhabilitation) robotic system, with particular attention to data collection and analysis for the evaluation of clinical background and demonstration of equivalence required by the device clinical evaluation report, according to MEDical DEVices (MEDDEV) 2.7/1 guidelines. Indications for the modifications required to adapt it to further application fields are also suggested.

Paper Nr: 11

Technological Solution to Optimize the Alzheimer’s Disease Monitoring Process, in Metropolitan Lima, using the Internet of Things


Katherine Jorge-Lévano, Victor Cuya-Chumbile and Willy Ugarte

Abstract: The use of information technologies (IT) in the health sector has allowed to optimize monitoring processes for diseases such as Diabetes or Parkinson’s. For this reason, the incorporation of IT into the monitoring of neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, will enable remote monitoring solutions on the patient’s health. This study will develop a mobile and web application that will monitor, through an IOT device, changes in the patient’s vital signs (oxygenation and blood pressure), impairment of cognitive functions (memory, calculation and concentration) and the patient’s sleep status with Alzheimer’s. In addition, with this solution the patient’s doctor will be able to record recommendations on the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The study was validated with 3 physicians and 3 caregivers, who participated in the validation process by comparing the time before and after using the technology solution. As a result, the optimization of the monitoring process has been validated, allowing real-time control of the progress of the disease and having the appropriate considerations of the doctor in case of any incident that may happen with the patient


Full Papers
Paper Nr: 13

Digital Laboratory Notifications First Rollout Results for Sars-CoV-2 and the Extension towards Generic Pathogen Reporting


Andreea Ancuta Corici, Olaf Rode, René Wiegmann Rollet and Max Bureck

Abstract: In each country, there is a set of pathogens that require the laboratories to announce the results to local authorities. The current systems based on Fax technologies are overwhelmed with the numerous results that laboratories have to communicate for SARS-CoV-2. For enabling the upgrade of the infrastructure in terms of communication technology employing security, data protection and routing of notifications towards the list of corresponding entities, a digital communication system was developed during the DEMIS SARS-CoV-2 project. In this paper, we present the design and implementation, the testbed used for development and the performance test results, as well as rollout status and the lessons learned.

Paper Nr: 31

Holistic Health Records towards Personalized Healthcare


Athanasios Kiourtis, Argyro Mavrogiorgou, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Francesco Torelli, Domenico Martino and Antonio De Nigro

Abstract: Current healthcare systems include platforms that provide data not linked to each other. However, linking clinical information to other people’s life data would be beneficial in understanding the effects of prevention strategies, and diseases. More specifically, in a context with several data sources, setting of a baseline allowing the aggregation of information, avoiding ambiguities, is crucial. This manuscript presents the Holistic Health Records (HHRs), as health records that intend to provide a complete picture of a patient, including all health determinants. This data may be produced by different systems at different times of the patient’s life, including data related to regular patientcare and non-medical data that may affect the patient’s state of health. Many standards have been defined with this purpose, with HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) being mostly tailored to the current needs. Hence, the HHR model based on HL7 FHIR has been designed, representing information about persons, their roles, their healthcare organizations, diagnosis and clinical findings of the patients, among others. The HHR model aims on guaranteeing interoperability and being implemented on top of existing FHIR libraries and is also intended to be usable independently from FHIR and applicable for different purposes than only exchanging health data.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 7

Integration of Social Media Platforms and Specialized Web Resources for the Effective Use of High-tech Medical Information


Alyona Kozyreva, Uliana Nazarenko, Grigory Shovkoplias, Artem Beresnev, Elizaveta Klevtsova and Natalia Gusarova

Abstract: The widespread dissemination of information technologies and technological breakthroughs in recent years have led to the fact that the flow of medical information falls on the patient. In order to interpret their high-tech medical information, given the lack of doctors and mistrust in them, which is especially typical for developing countries, people make attempts to use available Internet sources and collective network intelligence, i.e. appeal to collective opinion. Thus, there is the problem of integration of social media platforms and specialized web resources for the effective use of high-tech medical information. We consider this problem in relation to the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. We have experimentally studied the structure of public medical Internet communities typical for Russia. We found that they are characterized by self-organization. We have developed and launched a web resource for the effective use of high-tech medical information, and to form the motivational component of the resource, we use the identified structure of already existing network communities of medical focus. We use specialized chat bots as an effective means of integrating the developed resource and network communities.

Paper Nr: 20

e-Health for Older Adults: Navigating Misinformation


Amira Ghenai, Xueguang Ma, Robin Cohen, Karyn Moffatt, Andy Yang and Yipeng Ji

Abstract: In this position paper, we advocate for the design of more progressive online social networks and their web pages for the user base of older adults, arguing that in order to address the issue of misinformation, strategies attuned to this population of users in particular are needed. We discuss challenges that arise with misleading health information and with websites that support questionable positions with fake reviews (often generated by bots). We also discuss the contribution of search engine results to the difficulties that this population faces when navigating misinformation. We propose an approach where more interaction with users is promoted, and where education about the perils of the online world can be supported, as an additional tool for reducing misinterpretations which may lead to significant negative outcomes. The algorithms which we propose come from the computer science subfields of artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction and information retrieval. The novel stance is insisting on solutions that fit the demographic in question especially well, instead of relying on one-size-fits all approaches, which may disadvantage users who are older adults.

Paper Nr: 32

Customizable Navigation on Mobile Devices for Physically Impaired People


Christoph Boßmann and Bettina Harriehausen-Mühlbauer

Abstract: Physical disability means for affected persons a substantial restriction in their everyday life. A significant number of people throughout Germany were physically disabled, a not inconsiderable proportion of whom are in wheelchairs. Current market-relevant navigational systems such as Google Maps still do not provide profiles for mobility-impaired people or people in wheelchairs. With WheelScout it aims to create a navigational system for mobile devices that enables these people to make their way alone, meaning without being routed across barriers such as stairways or uneven surfaces. In this paper, it is shown how such a system can be developed and how its essential features, including the ability of individual customization for its users, can be realized.

Paper Nr: 9

De-identification of Medical Information for Forming Multimodal Datasets to Train Neural Networks


Margarita Suzdaltseva, Alexandra Shamakhova, Natalia Dobrenko, Olga Alekseeva, Jaafar Hammoud, Natalia Gusarova, Aleksandra Vatian and Anatoly Shalyto

Abstract: An important source of medical information for forming multimodal datasets to train neural networks is electronic patient records. In order to process data from electronic health records with a specified purpose, the number of requirements must be met - first of all, de-identification. This paper discusses the first stage of this process - searching for named entities in medical texts (which should be replaced or encrypted afterwards). The problem is solved by an example of semi-structured EHRs in Russian as a fusional, grammatically complex language. The structure and specificity of EMC typical for Russia is analyzed in detail. A problem-oriented comparison of approaches to solving the NER problem is carried out. We developed a pipeline for processing of HER and experimentally showed the advantages of the rule-based method over using specialized libraries. The achieved Recall and Precision values were 0.990 and 0.980 respectively.