DCICT4AWE 2016 Abstracts

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 1

Technology based Interventions to Promote Healthy and Active Aging - The Role of Positive Emotions and Physical Activity


Miriam Cabrita, Monique Tabak and Miriam Vollenbroek-Hutten

Abstract: An active lifestyle is of utmost importance for the quality of life of the older adults. With active lifestyle is meant not only physically active, but also engaged with the social environment. Although some individuals can achieve a desired level of physical activity and engagement by themselves, others seem to be in need of an external motivation. Technology based interventions show promising results promoting healthy behaviours, namely physical activity, in daily life. However, to the best of our knowledge, the promotion of an active lifestyle has been less explored. We intend to bring technology-based interventions beyond the state of the art by designing tailored strategies to motivate people to be physically active through engagement in pleasurable activities, thereby promoting healthy and active ageing. Our approach is to look at how the experience of positive emotions relate to physical activity in the daily lives of older adults and, based on that, design tailored strategies to support older adults in becoming more active. Therefore we define two objectives: (1) to increase understanding on the relationship between positive emotions and physical health in daily lives of older adults living independently and (2) to investigate how technology can support in monitoring and coaching towards active ageing in daily life. To achieve these objectives we perform a systematic literature review and two observational studies. We hypothesize that the experience of positive emotions in daily life is highly personal, with our studies focusing on a deep understanding in an individual level, making use of wearable technology and experience sampling on a smartphone. The results of the literature and observational studies are used to define the parameters and relations of a model to be implemented in a mobile system to promote active ageing in daily life. The literature review is concluded as well as the data acquisition of one observational study. This PhD trajectory is expected to be concluded by the end of 2016.

Paper Nr: 2

Study on the Relationships between Behaviour Styles and Elderly Livable Space in the North Area of China


Wang Hongyi, Zhou Bo, Ren Jie and Guo Jia

Abstract: The numbers of the elderly more than 60 years old have 1.67 billion in China,accounting for 13 percent of the total population. However, only 3% of the elderly population can enjoy services of the endowment facilities. Therefore, How to improve the living environment of the elderly is still an important issue in the field of our urban and rural development. This thesis is based on the north of China. It takes some elderly institutions in the city Dalian as research objects. The research is for a pattern of a suitable living space for old people as a master line, try to find the relationship between the spatial constitution and living behaviour, elaborates the basic spatial characteristics of the research objects, then discussed the relevance of the formation and spatial composition through the analysis of questionnaire. Then in results of analysis, it proposes some spatial constitution models which are adapt to the northern area in China, provides scientific basis and perfect technical reference to design, construction, management and development of architecture for aged people.

Paper Nr: 4

Care Navigation in Older People with Multimorbidity - Feasibility and Acceptability of using ICT


Jolien Vos, Conor Linehan, Kathrin Gerling, Karen Windle and Niroshan Siriwardena

Abstract: Introduction: The increase in long-term conditions (LTCs) and multimorbidity, particularly in older people, has led to increased demand in health and social care. Patients with multimorbidity need a seamless connection between the health and social care systems as well as between the different carers. However, health and social care systems currently present these patients with a variety of options for highly specialised care, provided at different settings. With little to no guidance, patients are expected to select the providers and services they need in relation to the LTCs they are diagnosed with. They build as it were their own ‘personal care network’ (PCN), but the structure of these PCNs is unknown. Further, the use of care navigators to guide patients with multimorbidity is limited and not without obstacles. A promising opportunity to address the care navigation challenge in this group is that of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Research shows that ICT can provide valuable opportunities for older people, especially by supporting age-related needs while also reducing the cost of health care. However, there are no insights into the benefits of ICT on navigation through the care system. This PhD explores the feasibility, acceptability, and requirements establishment to support the design of ICT interventions to support older adults with multimorbidity to independently navigate the care system. Method: A mixed method approach is applied combining the use of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Social network analysis and descriptive statistics are used for the quantitative data. Qualitative data are analysed through framework analysis. All data are then integrated and reported in the form of data-driven personas. Results: Firstly, we bring together the existing literature around care navigation in older people with multimorbidity. We then visualise the PCNs of older people with multimorbidity and gain an understanding of how these PCNs function. Following this, we investigate how ICT can provide a sustainable alternative for care navigation support in older people with multimorbidity (the end-users). This includes the identification of end-users’ needs and requirements for such an ICT support tool. The fifth phase concludes this PhD by producing usable personas of older people with multimorbidity.