Abstracts Track 2023

Area 1 - Aging Well – Social and Human Sciences Perspective

Nr: 2

Using Technology to Promote Older Adults' Health: Towards a Better Understanding of Their Needs


Ortal Cohen Elimelech, Simona Ferrante and Sara Rosenblum

Abstract: The aging process is associated with declines in cognitive, motor, and sensory abilities, which affect health and loneliness. However beneficial technology may be to physical and mental health, its use is less prevalent among older adults. This paper reports on two studies focused on promoting technology use among older adults towards better health. The first analyzed the characteristics of technology use among 576 older adults in Spain, France, and Israel during COVID-19. The results indicated that participants began using more technology due to COVID-19 and would be willing to use it even more if it was adapted to their needs. Furthermore, there were significant differences between the countries in providing facilities (knowledge, money, and others' assistance) and in urging technology use, emphasizing the need to adapt technology for each user. Our second study conducted focus groups with health care professionals (n = 20) and independent older adults living at home (n = 20). Similar themes emerged regarding the importance of adapting technology to older adults' needs and providing adequate support. In light of these results, promoting technology use among older adults requires understanding their unique technological needs.

Nr: 6

A Way to Aging Well: A Qualitative Study to Identify Psychological Facilitators and Barriers to the Use of ICT by Older Adults


Guillaume Souesme, Florent Halgand and Célia Maintenant

Abstract: Background: In a constantly changing world, information and communications technology (ICT) are no exception. While older adults have been described to be slower to adopt ICT than younger adults (Czaja et al., 2006), literature seems to converge to a consensus regarding the positive benefits of the latter on older adults. The use of ICT allows individual to be more connected to other people, to improve their sense of self-efficacy, self-esteem, and feelings of well-being (Kim, 2008; Pihlainen et al., 2021; Yang et al., 2022; Zhao et al., 2022). It therefore seems essential that older adults have access to and use ICT if they are to enjoy its benefits. However, the literature shows that, although present in their environment, older adults do not necessarily use ICT. The aim of this research is therefore to identify the psychological barriers and facilitators to the use of ICT by older adults. Method: The sample consisted of 13 older adults (7 men & 6 women, Mage=68,7 years; SD=6,5) recruited in public organization (i.e., association, public digital space). The inclusion criterion was to be aged 60 and older. Semi-structured interviews were administrated, and a qualitative content analysis was performed using the recommendations of Braun and Clarke (2006) with the software Nvivo 12-QSR International. An extra questionnaire was introduced to assess quantitatively their perceived competence in using different ICT (i.e., computer, phone, tablet, office tools, administrative procedures) on a 5-point Likert scale. Results: The analyses revealed 4 categories related to (1) Perception of self-efficacy; (2) Perception of self-resources; (3) ICT; and (4) Individual traits. Each of these categories includes both facilitating and hindering factors in the use of ICT. Thus, the most important facilitators are perceived benefits offered by ICT (n=77; n=number of occurrences), resources and availability (n=66), having help and support (n=65), and individual characteristics (n=61). Difficulties limit use (n=88), social obligation (n=52), and voluntary refusal (n=36) emerged as barriers. For the extra questionnaire, mean for perceived competence for ICT were 2,85, 1,08, 2,00, 2,38, and 2,46 respectively. Conclusions: This study identified both barriers and facilitators associated with the use of ICT by older adults. Identifying them can help organizations and communities to design and develop training session that meets the needs, expectations, and specificities of this population. Specifically, these results could be translated into a practical action. The objectives of these actions would be to work on the representations that young people, adults and older adults have of ICT. This would reduce the identified barriers by building on the identified facilitators to increase the motivation of older people to use ICT. Finally, as Feng and collaborators (2020) suggests, the use of ICTs by older people will enable them to claim the benefits associated with them and thus reduce social isolation, a key factor in ageing well.

Area 2 - Digital Health and e-health

Nr: 7

Home Care Monitoring Using Medication Support Device


Ryoji Suzuki

Abstract: 1 INTRODUCTION Elderly patients, staying at home, tend to forget to take their medications. In Japan, medications are prescribed in blister or one-dose packages (ODPs). ODPs are recommended by physicians and pharmacists for patients who forget to take their daily medications. In this study, an ODP medication support system (ODP-MSS) was developed and evaluated (Suzuki, 2015, Suzuki & Hasegawa, 2018). The development of the ODP-MSS and its ubiquity in Japan were also discussed. 2 METHODS An ODP-MSS is a pill dispenser that allows single doses of several medications to be taken simultaneously. The medicines are sealed in film bags and rolled onto a rotating drum daily for 60 days. The system was developed to remind patients to take their medicines. A musical alert is played when it is time for the patient to take their medication. Thirty minutes after a missed dose, a voice message is sent via telephone to a caregiver or healthcare professional (e.g., son or pharmacist). Thus, informed individuals can remind their patients to take their medicine. The ODP-MSS prevents missed doses due to forgetfulness. The system also helps caregivers and healthcare workers document their patients' medication compliance. 3 RESULTS In this study, which evaluated the utility of the ODP-MSS (30-185 days), eight out of 10 patients completely complied with their medication schedule. Additionally, one patient shifted from being dependent on his family to being independent (Suzuki & Hasegawa, 2018). The ODP-MSS was marketed as the Medication Support System "Fukkun" (Ishigami Factory Co. Ltd., Iwate) in 2015. Fukkun was distributed among elderly patients for free in Hanamaki City (since 2016) and Tono City (since 2018) in the Iwate prefecture. In Tono City, patients are screened prior to using Fukkun. Their medication adherence data are shared with their respective doctor and pharmacist. According to Kikuchi et al. (2019), the application of Fukkun resulted in the improvement of glucose levels and cognitive symptoms in one patient. However, the spread of Fukkun is limited to some areas in Japan. 4 CONCLUSIONS The medication support device and follow-up calls from a caregiver or healthcare worker reduced the missed doses due to a patient’s forgetfulness. These were useful home care monitoring tools for elderly patients, staying at home. REFERENCES Suzuki, R. (2015). Development and evaluation of a medication support system -Hanamaki medication support project-. Japanese Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare;11(2):114-117. (Abstract in English) Suzuki, R., Hasegawa, T. (2018). Evaluation of a one-dose package medication support system for community-based elderly patients and eldercare facilities. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 75(9):e202-e212. doi:10.2146/ajhp170176 Kikuchi, Y., Yamaguchi, J., Suzuki, R. (2019). A case of improvement in dementia and diabetes using a medication support device. The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Pharmaceutical Association. (In Japanese)

Nr: 8

Development and Validation of a Checklist Designed by a Delphi Method for Technology-Based Assessement and Treatment of Geriatric Syndromes


Alessia Gallucci, Pietro Davide Trimarchi, Fabrizia Lattanzio and Fabrizio Giunco

Abstract: Objectives. The interest toward the application of technologies for improving the care of old people suffering from geriatric syndromes, such as frailty, has recently grown among clinicians and researchers. Evidence suggest that technologies integrate different care services and setttings, facilitating the post discharge period, and promote the independence and quality of life, reducing the isolation. However, studies testing the efficacy and effectiveness of tecnologies for the diagnosis and treatment of geriatric syndromes still lack methodological rigor, thereby preventing the translational research from bench to bedside. The objective of this study was to develop and validate a checklist to assist the use of and research on technologies when applied in clinical samples and settings. Methods. After the definition of checklist items, a three-round Delphi procedure was performed by involving a total of 20 clinicians and researchers of five different Italian institutions, expert in testing technologies for clinical and research purposes. After a first online meeting for qualitative discussion, agreement with the general usefulness of the checklist and usability of each checklist item were evaluated at the second round using two 5-point Likert scales. In the last Delphi round, an online meeting was organized to discuss the low rated items that were riformulated accordingly. Results. Thity-seven items were defined and discussed during the Delphi steps. No item was delated while a total of eight items were riformulated at the end of the evaluation steps. Conclusion. This is the first validated checklist, in the field of technology-based health care of old people, that integrates considerations about tools’ technical readiness, clinical needs of targeted population and setting, and research implementation. The tool is intended to support clinicians and researchers in the application of technologies to diagnose and treat old people suffering from geriatric syndromes.