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Previous Awards

The papers receiving these awards were selected from a set of outstanding papers, based on the quantitative and qualitative classifications as well as comments provided by the program committee reviewers, their final classification as full paper and their oral presentation at the conference.

2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015

ICT4AWE 2020

Best Paper Award

Simulation-based Business Process Evaluation in Home Health Care Logistics Management
Fabian Lorig, Colja A. Becker, Daniel S. Lebherz, Stephanie C. Rodermund and Ingo J. Timm

Best Position Paper Award

The Synergy of Technology Usage and Human-driven Support Activities in an AAL Pilot Region
Johanna Plattner, Daniela Elisabeth Ströckl, Elena Oberrauner, Kurt Majcen and Johannes Oberzaucher

Best Student Paper Award

IoT based Testbed for Human Movement Activity Monitoring and Presentation
Akash Gupta, Khalid-Al-Naime and Adnan-Al-Anbuky

ICT4AWE 2019

Best Paper Award

Area: Independent Living
An Italian Business Case for an eHealth Platform to Provide Remote Monitoring and Coaching Services for Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Dementia
Monika Jurkeviciute, Lex van Velsen, Pietro Davide Trimarchi, Ladan Sarvari and Fabrizio Giunco

Best Position Paper Award

Area: Ambient Assisted Living
AAL-Pilot Concepts in Carinthia and Styria
Kurt Majcen, Johanna Plattner, Daniela Elisabeth Ströckl, Kerstin Löffler, Eva Schuster, Pierre Schaschl, Daniela Krainer and Johannes Oberzaucher

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Independent Living
Using Laddering to Understand the Use of Gamified Wearables by Seniors
Auke Reitsma, Ton Spil and Sjoerd de Vries

ICT4AWE 2018

Best Paper Award

Area: Monitoring, Accessibility and HCI
Dynamic Movement Monitoring - Algorithms for Real Time Exercise Movement Feedback
Marcel Tiator, Fabian Büntig and Christian Geiger

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Monitoring, Accessibility and HCI
Dynamic Gait Monitoring Mobile Platform
Robin Amsters, Ali Bin Junaid, Nick Damen, Jeroen Van de Laer, Benjamin Filtjens, Bart Vanrumste and Peter Slaets

Best Poster Award

Area: Independent Living
Seniors’ Info-Inclusion Through Interactive Television: Results of a Field Trial
Telmo Silva, Hilma Caravau, Jorge Ferraz de Abreu and Liliana Reis

ICT4AWE 2017

Best Paper Award

Area: Ambient Assisted Living
Selection and Assessment of Activity Trackers for Enthusiastic Seniors
Viktoria Willner, Harald Rieser, Verena Venek and Cornelia Schneider

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Monitoring, Accessibility and HCI
Design of Wearable Airbag with Injury Reducing System
Beomgeun Jo, Youngho Lee, Jaemin Kim, Soonmoon Jung, Dongwook Yang, Jeongwoo Lee and Junghwa Hong

Best Poster Award

Area: Independent Living
Design and Assessment of User Interface Optimized for Elderly People. A Case Study of Actgo-Gate Platform
Artur Rot, Robert Kutera and Wieslawa Gryncewicz

ICT4AWE 2016

Best Paper Award

Area: HCI for Ageing Populations
Reminiscence of People with Dementia Mediated by a Tangible Multimedia Book
Alina Huldtgren, Fabian Mertl, Anja Vormann and Christian Geiger

Best Student Paper Award

Best PhD Project Award

Care Navigation in Older People with Multimorbidity - Feasibility and Acceptability of using ICT
Jolien Vos, Conor Linehan, Kathrin Gerling, Karen Windle and Niroshan Siriwardena

Technology based Interventions to Promote Healthy and Active Aging - The Role of Positive Emotions and Physical Activity
Miriam Cabrita, Monique Tabak and Miriam Vollenbroek-Hutten

ICT4AgeingWell 2015

Best Paper Award

Area: HCI for Ageing Populations
Reminiscence Map - Insights to Design for People with Dementia from a Tangible Prototype
Alina Huldtgren, Anja Vormann and Christian Geiger

Best Student Paper Award

On Modeling the Cardiovascular System and Predicting the Human Heart Rate under Strain
Melanie Ludwig, Ashok Meenakshi Sundaram, Matthias Füller, Alexander Asteroth and Erwin Prassler

Best PhD Project Award

Assistive Home Platforms - From Guidelines to Technology Selection and Reasoning Applications
Laura Montanini
