Mohammed Abuhelaleh,
alhussein bin talal university, Jordan
Leonidas Anthopoulos,
Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Larissa, Greece
Wilfred Bonney,
., United Kingdom
Martin Chorley,
Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Paulo Cortez,
University of Minho, Portugal
Luigi Gallo,
National Research Council of Italy, Italy
Juan Enrique Garrido,
University of Lleida, Spain
Mauro Giacomini,
University of Genova, Italy
Kostas Giokas,
Independent Researcher, Greece
Helia Guerra,
University of the Azores, Portugal
Kostas Kolomvatsos,
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Yiannis Koumpouros,
Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece
Dimitris D. Koutsouris,
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Athina A. Lazakidou,
University of Peloponnese, Greece
Mas Sahidayana Mohktar,
Center for Innovation in Medical Engineering, Malaysia
María N. Moreno-García,
Informática y automática, University of Salamanca, Spain
Abraham Pouliakis,
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Daniele Riboni,
University of Cagliari, Italy
Marcela D. Rodríguez,
Independent Researcher, Mexico
Henrique Santos,
University of Minho, Portugal
Werner Schneider,
Uppsala University, Switzerland