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Associations, Federations and Special Interest Groups

Aware of the importance of international cooperation for the advancement of science, INSTICC works closely together with several other national and international associations and is proud to welcome them as partners in its activities or to arrange initiatives in cooperation with them.

While several forms of partnership are welcome, INSTICC places special value in "Technical Co-Sponsorships", by means of which both associations support each other from a scientific perspective for their mutual benefit. Additionally, in this case, members of partner organizations benefit from the same registration conditions as INSTICC members.

Current Institutional Partners:

Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication

INSTICC is the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, a scientific, non-profit, association whose main goals are to serve the international scientific community by promoting, developing and disseminating knowledge in the areas of information systems and technologies, control and communication. It has organized hundreds of successful scientific conferences across the world since 2003, in collaboration with the main international institutions in its areas of interest.

Object Management Group

The Object Management Group (OMG) is an international, open membership, not-for-profit computer industry standards consortium. Founded in 1989, OMG standards are driven by vendors, end-users, academic institutions and government agencies.

International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth

ISfTeH aims to facilitate the international dissemination of knowledge and experience in Telemedicine and eHealth and providing access to recognized experts in the field worldwide.

Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents

FIPA is an IEEE Computer Society standards organization that promotes agent-based technology and the interoperability of its standards with other technologies.

ACM Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing

ACM's Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing, SIGACCESS, promotes the interests of professionals working on research and development of computing and information technology to help persons with disabilities. Our diverse membership is interested in the design, development, evaluation, and scientific investigations of technologies to support individuals with disabilities.


The Porto4Ageing consortium brings together over 90 organisations, the large majority of them being established within the Porto Metropolitan Area, within the Norte Region of Portugal. The partnership is built upon the quadruple helix approach - it involves different stakeholders (regional governments and health and care providers, academia and research, industry and civil society) that are in good position to drive structural changes far beyond the scope any one organization could achieve on its own and to innovate and experiment in real world settings. Despite the different backgrounds, goals and actions, Porto4Ageing is built upon a shared vision and common targets, where each organisation contributes actively in a specific way to the overall goal of responding better to the citizens' needs, specifically in matters related to active and health ageing in the Porto Region.

Japanese Telemedicine and Telecare Association

The purposes of telemedicine and telecare are to contribute to healthcare, medical treatment, and nursing care with telecommunication technology. JTTA is committed to improving the quality of telemedicine and telecare. To do so, we gather relevant information and collaboratively discuss its clinical, economic, and social aspects.<br><br>
