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Partner Events

Conferences, congresses and other meetings related to this event or one of its satellite events are welcome to enter a partnership with ICT4AWE by means of which the events assist each other in divulging their events through a link exchange and/or by publishing information about the partner events.

Current Partner Events:

12th Congress of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society

The 12th Congress of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society is going to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 5 to 7 October 2016.
The Congress has become one of the most important events in the field of Geriatric Medicine, with more than1500 attendees.
It provides a unique opportunity to meet field experts, teachers, practicing clinicians and scientists, to update your knowledge of clinical care, research and innovative models of care delivery.
The Congress will provide new insights into the care of the elderly and to establish directions in taking up the challenges we will be confronted with.

IFA 13th Global Conference

The IFA 13th Global Conference will be held in Brisbane, Australia from 21 – 23 June 2016 and will be the first to explore the implications for older people in natural and human-induced disasters and health emergencies, while at the same time covering the areas of interest for those across all disciplines in the ageing sectors through five (5) thematic tracks: 1. Disasters and Older People; 2. Age Friendly Cities/Communities: 3. Care and Support for Older People (Community and Residential); 3. Elder Abuse, Law and Rights; 4. Income Protection and Security. Further information:
