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Previous Invited Speakers

The researchers below were distinguished invited speakers at previous ICT4AWE conferences.
We are indebted to them for their contribution to heighten the conference level.

2017 | 2016 | 2015


The Internet of Aged People Doing Things Daily    
Panagiotis D. Bamidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece & Leeds Institute of Medical Education, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

The Grey Digital Divide  
Reima Suomi, University of Turku, Finland


Senior Homo Digitalis    
Hubert Österle, Institute of Information Management (IWI), University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Today and Tomorrow - Can ICT Assist Learning and Living?     
Margaret Ross, Southampton Solent University, United Kingdom


Developing User-centric AAL Systems    
Juan Carlos Augusto, Faculty of Science and Technology, Middlesex University, United Kingdom

Cloud Computing and Big Data Can Improve the Quality of Our Life  
Victor Chang, Aston University, United Kingdom

Auditory Displays for Ambient Intelligence – Perspectives for Smart Environments
Thomas Hermann, CITEC - Center of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology, Bielefeld University, Germany

Community Assessment of Risk Screening and Treatment Strategies (CARTS) - An Update    
William Molloy, Centre for Gerontology and Rehabilitation, School of Medicine, UCC, Ireland

PAN-European Research on Technology and Ageing: The Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Programme
Marco Carulli, Independent Researcher, Belgium
